Kamis, 15 April 2010

Narrative my future plan

Narrative My future plans.
Hi.guys meet me again.On this occasion I would like to tell you about my dream.Each of you have a dream.but now I want to tell you about my own dream.Right I have two plans the first is after I finished from English Education of Sanata Dharma University I want to become a good teacher in my hometown and I'm going to teach them like in Junior high School or Senior High School.

Since I sit in Junior High school my dream is want to be a professional teacher till in bench college now.The first I have choose English Language Education study Program In Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta.

Why I choose English Education Study Program? The reasons are I want to become an English teacher,I also want to be fluent speak English, and I also want to teach somebody else who don’t know well about Enlglish language,I think In English language Education study Program I will get jobs quickly and get many friends from another country too.

After I have done all of the thing I mentioned I will back to my hometown and teach my students.And they can underestand what is the English language. So, now must study hard and I won’t give up after I finish the study.Besides that I want to become a businessman too.I want to work in mind company maybe. So, my area can go forward and self-supporting to create the something new from previous. and this is really will be stamped if I’m serious draw up from now. if I wast in the opportunity hence my lecture progressively heap and cannot finish with the value which have standard. And also I cannot burden to weigh against at my parent to defray my tuition.Everybody knows that in Papua especially is teacher is more less than the other.so now i must study hard and must graduate on time.Because my hometown is many students didn't continue to study other school,its mean that the problem is teacher.The second plans is I want to become a businessman in my hometown too.Its like, I wiil work in a mind company or International Relationship.Its not only that but If i finished on time my parents will be proud of me.its mean that my parents haven't spend a lot of money to pay my school fee.Besides that I want to become a Profesional English teacher In my hometown and will teach them.The last is I want to become a good man in my family too.and I must trust in GOD so many things I have it and give the best in my life.

Thank you my friends please your comment.:.D

Jumat, 09 April 2010

my experience

Hi.. Guys meet me again ha ha ha..To begin with,I would like to tell you my life experience.This story is not interesting for you but I just want to tell it because it’s my experience story. When I was lived in Yogyakarta,I’m ever visited a special place,that place are Turu District and Ketep Pass.The Turi District is located in Sleman Yogyakarta,but Ketep Pass is located in Magelang central of Java.We were ready to set off our trip by bus, with our Deans and a half off staff of FKIP too.

The first we call on,to Turi District.We aims is want to know how to production about Salak Fruits.We needed one hour.Finally we arrived there safely.This Salak also seller sometimes sell in the shops and market.So,we went there and we could see the Salak garden and a machine to production too.That’s very important to me to know it.By the time we on a tour and we were enjoying in the garden when owner salak received us.And directly we were tried to tasted it.I feel to like its if owner permit us to try to eat direct in his garden.So you can imagine that.There are many kinds of salak he usually produced.The production is not only one kind but it’s added other fruits like:bananas,mango and salak.This case is made us very interested with his products too.Because he has a machine to producing salak.But not only that he also often got advantage.His income per-month is 1,500 rupiahns,so he got its much profit.On the other hand,based on an observation from Gajah Mada University Lecturer.He said that’ this salak is nicer than other and also its famous in Java Island and one of them is found in Turi District Sleman Yogyakarta.We take a round in the salak garden around thirty minutes.after that.a few minutes later we come back to production room .The room is also completely with production machine,more less twenty minutes he tried to explained about process to production.According to the research the result is good and the taste is like sugar.And they said that its mix with sugar? But its not actually he just makes mixtured with water and fry with oil This is a reality because I saw from near the production place .After we content with his salak and all thing found in Turi.We went along our trip to Ketep Pass Magelang Central of Java.On the way suddenly the bus was pumped into with a truck so the tires split into.When the bus pumped it was raining.we were waiting for thirty minutes while the bus driver was fixed.After already fixed we continued .Finally we arrived in ketep Pass.The next we come into the museum and the custodian museum turned around the film volcano and we were watching.The film is about volcano.The are also we want to know what happened about volcano from year to year.
It has two building the first building is for to watch the film about volcano history and space to accept the guests.The seconds building is for to save and take care of object from volcano, like stones some picture the natty of mount,and assistive appliance to see the natty mount circumstance so that to be taking care of activity of citizen of vicinity and before happened by the natty mount explosion worker will immediately advise it to all citizen of exist in natty mount region.So, there are no event can be happened to all of the citizen again in the volcano area .In the afternoon we came back to home about five o’clock.i think that all.please your comment.:.D

Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

my character

my character
hi everybody meet me again this time I would like to tell about my characters what have you know...and more clear about me,I think not so long my writing but I just write a short writing...

Well,now I want to describe about my character its positive thing and negative thing of my characters.
I’m friendly person.I always smile and say hello to my friends whom I meet.I’m hard-working.I will struggle for something that I want to,mostly my dreams.I’m optimistic so I’ll always think positive about something and believe that I can.I’m punctual,too.I rarely come late at class or at meetings.I like to help people and they say I’m caring.Actually,I’m sensitive,proud,self-controlled,serious,talented and considerate.I’ll feel guilty if I make mistake that it can cause my friends feel so sad or even cry.I’m funny person.I can make my friends laughing out loud when I’m telling them such a funny story are because of my accent and my gestures.I can clothing properly and it shows that I’m polite.I;m loyal.I do not betray anyone I love them and I want to stick with them always.

I’m moody person. my mood can change quickly,from sad to happy,from happy to sad,something like that. I’m melancholic.I can feel so deep sadness.sometimes, I can be impatient.I ll be unpleasant if my friend comes late to pick me up. I;m argumentative,too.when my uncle is advising me,I sometimes argue him.well, I’m a little bit envious when my girlfriend tells met that she’ll go anywhere. I’m mischievous I often annoy my friends and it will make them fell annoyed,AL
though I;m just kidding. I like to talk to others,but sometimes it makes me being garrulous.I’m afraid that I’m childish.I will be cranky because my friends cancels my appointment to dinner with me.I shouldn’t be unkind.I often grumble if I’m not satisfied of what someone does.I’m irritable,especially when somebody messes up my room.Sometimes,I’m a little shy person and anxious. actually,my friends have know me. o yeah friends don't forget to write your comment here.......
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

habitual activity

My Habitual Activities!

My daily activity usually starts at 05: 30 its earlly morning. I get up and pray to GOD around 5 minutes to begin my day like do some exercises. Because I’ am the diligent person in my boarding house, I usually tidy up after I get up from my sleeping and then I’jocking in the morning and water a plant or flower by myself then I back to my boarding house
After that, I usually do some exercises for about 10 minutes then I take my shower. After my shower, I get dressed and have breakfast. I usually have a light breakfast, consists of bread and tea. At six thirty I leave for Campus by foot, because my boarding house is not far from my Campus.So.sometimes I only needs ten minutes to get campus
I take to the Campus about 6: 45. "My first class is start" at 07: 00 and I usually finish at 2.30 in the afternoon.And there is deepends on my schudle if I have at seven or nine.Sometimes I go to library and sometimes go to rental for type my duty.
I usually reach home around three p.m. When I get home and take a bath,then I take a nap for a while then at 3.30. thirty I go to the library to read some books.I have three times to exercise UKM football there are on monday,wenesday,and friday its from 3,o'clock till 5.30. After finshed it I come back to boarding house and take a bath .I have dinner at 7. o’clock (p.m)
p.m. After dinner, I usually do my duty. after that I just relaxed and before go to bed I usually read a some books like,magazine bible because I read it a lot.
Thanks I think so for my activity all day.

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

describing a Process

(Casafa Ferment Coat)
Well,I want to write a fourth of my paragraph writting assignment again.Do you know TAPE BAJU? If you don’t know let me to write it.A Tape Baju it is easy to make.That place is located in Gejayan street.If we walk from Gejayan to Ring road or Maguharjo we can see on the left side before gasoline.The name of place is Pondok Cabe CafĂ© and Resto. So before they will make it,they have to prepare the appliance and its subtance which must be required.
2 pieces of Tape Baju@ 5x5 cm
20 g cheese
20 g meses (chocolate sprinkles)
2 spoons of margarine
Frying pan
Frying spoon
2 table plate
1 rasp
Well,First show the materials needed and put the margarine into the frying pan.Heat it for several minutes till it is melts.Then put two pieces of the Tape Baju into the frying pan.Fry them for three minutes.After that,put out the first piece of the Tape Baju to a plate and sow/sprinkles it with meses.And next,put out the second piece of Tape Baju and coats it together with the first one.And last, rasp the cheese on that Tape Baju,now it is ready to serve.friends I think enough for my writing,and there are some mistakes please your correction and posting your comments here..he he he he.

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

my favourite's lecturer in PBi

My favorite's Lecturer in PBI

Hey guys...Thanks for wonderful opportunity for me to write again. Well now I want to tell you about a person in our English Education Study Program. This person is a lecturer and this person is my favorite lecturer. When I have Matriculation she ever taught me in 2008 but the semester one I haven't got with her class. I will give you some clues about this person and you have to guess it and also to write this person’s name too.and she is also my lead of academic lecturer(dosen pembimbing academic).
o yeah friends I think this lecturer is ever taught you in Semester one so you have known but for me I haven't got with her class.
First of all I’d like to let you know about this person looks like. This person is round-faced and also oriental-faced. This person has short straight black hair. As I know, this person doesn’t have freckles on this person’s face. In addition, this person has slanted black eyes. This person has dimples in this person’s chubby cheeks which makes this person has sweet smile. If we take a look at this person, we will know that this person has shiny white skin. As long as I know, this person’s age is in 30s. This person is a delighted-looking person.
This delighted-looking person is rather plump. However, this person’s build is proportionate with this person’s height I think. This person has normal height – this person’s height is about 165cm.
In my argument, this person is a well-dressed person. Moreover, this person always keeps this person’s outfit tidy. This person usually wears casual blouse and trousers, but sometimes this person also wears skirt. This person usually wears glasses also. Beside, there is an earring on both of this person’s ears. Lately, this person chose to wear earrings with letter F as its pendulum. This person also usually wears bracelet, watch, and necklace.
This person is absolutely a quick-writted person. This person is very fluent in speaking English. This person has been helping us to understand English grammar and how to speak well In addition, this person is a very kind person. This person always smiles whenever people meet this person. This person is a patient person also. So if you have any problems or difficulties in English we may go to her office and we can share it with her. This person never gets mad . I think that’s all about this person’s personality.
Right friends, I am sure that all of you have known who this person is?. Now please comments with your answer and your correction about my writing too. And I think that friends known this lecturer so you can try to guess and give your answer.on the other hand is friends must give your correcting to for my writing,because there are some mistakes and not completely with minimum requirements. And please guess.. guess..............

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

describing place

Describing Place
Well, now I want to write a special place. it is found in Sanata Dharma University. Sanata Dharma University. It located in Campus two between Realino stage and next to library and behind that building. it also surrounded by trees. The building was built in 2008 and it is painted-very well and comfortable. if we walk from Campus one to Library. we can find it on the right side, and It had already facilitated with Sanata Dharma University, such as a, hotspot area sitting place, some furniture; chairs counter etc. many students always be there for relax, and some of the people used to brows internet. But the especially is Sanata Dharma students for help them in their study. And don’t worry if you are hungry, I think ,you can buy and eat, because they sell some food. In other side, we cannot see the wall because they didn’t make it. It is on free so we can be relax. This place also all students do something like, study UKM’s(unit students activitie’s
Friends you can guess my descriptions place