Jumat, 09 April 2010

my experience

Hi.. Guys meet me again ha ha ha..To begin with,I would like to tell you my life experience.This story is not interesting for you but I just want to tell it because it’s my experience story. When I was lived in Yogyakarta,I’m ever visited a special place,that place are Turu District and Ketep Pass.The Turi District is located in Sleman Yogyakarta,but Ketep Pass is located in Magelang central of Java.We were ready to set off our trip by bus, with our Deans and a half off staff of FKIP too.

The first we call on,to Turi District.We aims is want to know how to production about Salak Fruits.We needed one hour.Finally we arrived there safely.This Salak also seller sometimes sell in the shops and market.So,we went there and we could see the Salak garden and a machine to production too.That’s very important to me to know it.By the time we on a tour and we were enjoying in the garden when owner salak received us.And directly we were tried to tasted it.I feel to like its if owner permit us to try to eat direct in his garden.So you can imagine that.There are many kinds of salak he usually produced.The production is not only one kind but it’s added other fruits like:bananas,mango and salak.This case is made us very interested with his products too.Because he has a machine to producing salak.But not only that he also often got advantage.His income per-month is 1,500 rupiahns,so he got its much profit.On the other hand,based on an observation from Gajah Mada University Lecturer.He said that’ this salak is nicer than other and also its famous in Java Island and one of them is found in Turi District Sleman Yogyakarta.We take a round in the salak garden around thirty minutes.after that.a few minutes later we come back to production room .The room is also completely with production machine,more less twenty minutes he tried to explained about process to production.According to the research the result is good and the taste is like sugar.And they said that its mix with sugar? But its not actually he just makes mixtured with water and fry with oil This is a reality because I saw from near the production place .After we content with his salak and all thing found in Turi.We went along our trip to Ketep Pass Magelang Central of Java.On the way suddenly the bus was pumped into with a truck so the tires split into.When the bus pumped it was raining.we were waiting for thirty minutes while the bus driver was fixed.After already fixed we continued .Finally we arrived in ketep Pass.The next we come into the museum and the custodian museum turned around the film volcano and we were watching.The film is about volcano.The are also we want to know what happened about volcano from year to year.
It has two building the first building is for to watch the film about volcano history and space to accept the guests.The seconds building is for to save and take care of object from volcano, like stones some picture the natty of mount,and assistive appliance to see the natty mount circumstance so that to be taking care of activity of citizen of vicinity and before happened by the natty mount explosion worker will immediately advise it to all citizen of exist in natty mount region.So, there are no event can be happened to all of the citizen again in the volcano area .In the afternoon we came back to home about five o’clock.i think that all.please your comment.:.D

9 komentar:

  1. Hi Elip, which one do you like most: BMS (banana, mango, salak) or mie??????
    I think you can grow the BMS in West Papua, your hometown. So when I come to visit you, we can enjoy it.

  2. Heheheeeee Elip, thank you for being the first person commenting my writing. Yes, it is very long because I like writing long stories. The food in Australia is far more expensive than here Indonesia. Elip, it is a very good idea to have a salak field at your home village. I am sure, one day I will come to enjoy your salak. OK???? Bye!!!!!!!!

  3. Heheheeeee Elip, thank you for being the first person commenting my writing. Yes, it is very long because I like writing long stories. The food in Australia is far more expensive than here Indonesia. Elip, it is a very good idea to have a salak field at your home village. I am sure, one day I will come to enjoy your salak. OK???? Bye!!!!!!!!

  4. HI elip!!do you still remember me??..Who said that your story is not interesting...it's such a fun story elip!I had ever visited Ketep pass once when I was junior high school, such a nice place, right? Turi is as cold as Kaliurang, to be honest I don't like to go there because it is too cold for me..hehehe

    anyway, here I have few comments on your work:

    -When I was lived in Yogyakarta...(Where do you live now??you are still in jogya right?If so, instead of using past tense, you should use present tense)

    -We aim at want to know how to production about Salak Fruits--> Our aims is to know how to produce..

    -That Salak we sometimes saw in the shops and market seller sell it. (what do you mean Elip? maybe I can help you arranging the words if I know what you meant, please let me know, OK??)

    -There are many kinds of salak he usually productioned. (production is not a verb elip, it should be produced)

    -remember elip ..TO- must be followed by Verb 1

    -be careful with the tenses elip!In the afternoon we coming back to home...(is it coming or came??)

    -I still found several mistakes in your works,(especially your grammar) maybe it's better for you to revise it..but don't worry elip, I'll be happy if I can help you..so, if you have any questions, just ask me, Ok??

    keep spirit^^!!!

  5. I had ever visited Ketep just a few months ago. The scenery is wonderful, isn't it?

  6. Elip.. why you didn't carry up some salak for me?

  7. Elip.. why you didn't carry up some salak for me?


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