Kamis, 15 April 2010

Narrative my future plan

Narrative My future plans.
Hi.guys meet me again.On this occasion I would like to tell you about my dream.Each of you have a dream.but now I want to tell you about my own dream.Right I have two plans the first is after I finished from English Education of Sanata Dharma University I want to become a good teacher in my hometown and I'm going to teach them like in Junior high School or Senior High School.

Since I sit in Junior High school my dream is want to be a professional teacher till in bench college now.The first I have choose English Language Education study Program In Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta.

Why I choose English Education Study Program? The reasons are I want to become an English teacher,I also want to be fluent speak English, and I also want to teach somebody else who don’t know well about Enlglish language,I think In English language Education study Program I will get jobs quickly and get many friends from another country too.

After I have done all of the thing I mentioned I will back to my hometown and teach my students.And they can underestand what is the English language. So, now must study hard and I won’t give up after I finish the study.Besides that I want to become a businessman too.I want to work in mind company maybe. So, my area can go forward and self-supporting to create the something new from previous. and this is really will be stamped if I’m serious draw up from now. if I wast in the opportunity hence my lecture progressively heap and cannot finish with the value which have standard. And also I cannot burden to weigh against at my parent to defray my tuition.Everybody knows that in Papua especially is teacher is more less than the other.so now i must study hard and must graduate on time.Because my hometown is many students didn't continue to study other school,its mean that the problem is teacher.The second plans is I want to become a businessman in my hometown too.Its like, I wiil work in a mind company or International Relationship.Its not only that but If i finished on time my parents will be proud of me.its mean that my parents haven't spend a lot of money to pay my school fee.Besides that I want to become a Profesional English teacher In my hometown and will teach them.The last is I want to become a good man in my family too.and I must trust in GOD so many things I have it and give the best in my life.

Thank you my friends please your comment.:.D

5 komentar:

  1. Guy...you have a nice dream. Do not doubt with it,Just run and reach it. You know our young generations are waiting for us and they need us.
    I'am sure that all your dreams will come true

  2. My GUY...YOU HAVE A GOOD DREAM...I'AM SURE THAT IT WILL COME TRUE. run and rich it. God will help you

  3. i want to go to your hometown, elip. .

  4. hey.. I am sure that your dream will come true if you try hard to reach it..

  5. Hi Elip, thank you for commenting my writing. It` great to hear your great dreams. Dream is good to attract and move us forward to reach our goal. I think it would be good if we just concentrate on what we are doing now, that is to prepare ourselves as a good English teacher for the young generation. Like Bryan said, they do need our help. So, let`s just think to be a good and professional English teacher at our hometown!!!
    Thank you for your invitation to come to your hometown. I wish I could come. It might be hard to go there because I am to go back to my school to teach in two schools: junior and senior high school. OK Elip, let`s keep our fingers crossed to be a professional English teacher.


please comment what do you want to comement